Vision for Learning
Our vision for learning
This vision is exemplified in all that we do and are at Sunshine Coast Grammar School. We have made a purposeful commitment to high quality education and our staff are passionate about their own professional practice to ensure our school is well equipped to support student achievement in all endeavours.
At Grammar we have a mindset for the future and a vision for powerful learning – creating ethical, responsible and caring citizens of the world

With our total commitment to positive, professional relationships, we value:
Courage | Resilience | Integrity | Empathy | Relationships
Addressing all dimensions of wellness (emotional, physical, nutritional, environmental and spiritual) in our lives builds a holistic sense of wellbeing and fulfillment. Wellbeing and Resilience are enhanced with a focus on critical life skills such as; the ability to recognise and regulate one’s own emotions, establish and maintain positive and respectful relationships, make responsible decisions, effectively problem solve and apply individual character strengths.
Through these critical skills, we cultivate a culture where all are motivated to pursue their purpose and thrive in an everchanging world.
Creativity | Growth Mindset | Curiosity | Success
Our learning environment promotes curiosity and creativity, as well as growing confident, capable and successful individuals. The world our children will inherit is a world of complexity and ever-changing innovation. A world where it is insufficient to have knowledge and ideas without a positive growth mindset and skill set to apply knowledge and implement ideas. It is essential to foster the cultivation of an adaptive mindset and skillset set, that together with knowledge from traditional disciplines will equip all to embrace change as opportunity.
Care | Partnerships | Service
We all contribute to build an inclusive community of belonging, connection, mutual care and respect. We all participate in the community at a range of levels including the development of partnerships and service from local, to global.
Gratitude | Forgiveness | Love | Humility | Compassion | Honour
At the heart of our Christian faith in action are our six values underpinning Christian identity. With a strong focus on relationships, we encourage all to live with honour, humility, compassion, gratitude, love and forgiveness.
The following pedagogical principles translate our vision and values into school wide teaching and learning practice.
Learning is personalised to increase engagement, achievement and personal growth.
A commitment to recognising, appreciating, and catering for the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique is key to learner success. Tailoring student learning matches learning needs and supports the development of personal passions and interests.

When learning is relevant and students are engaged in class, they learn more. It is vital that teachers create the right classroom climate for learning: raising student expectations; developing a rapport with students; establishing routines; challenging students to participate and take risks. These all affect how much their students engage and learn.
Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. It allows students to learn more about themselves and how they learn. Reflection provides an opportunity for feedback and feedforward conversations, as well as the creation of meaningful connections for deep learning.

Learning at Grammar is designed as a continuous pathway. This implies whole school alignment of curriculum and pedagogy, and a shared responsibility for student learning realised through a strong team approach.
Meaningful connections are also the result of connecting with prior learning and the application of new knowledge into different contexts.
In a digitised world, learning is connected through technology.
We are also connected as a Grammar learning community through positive, professional relationships, and a personal relationship with Christ. As global citizens we aim to develop internationally minded people who, recognise their common Humanity, embed sustainable practices, and help to create a better and more peaceful world.

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