School Governance
School Governance
Sunshine Coast Grammar School is one of four outstanding schools owned by the Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association (PMSA) along with our sibling schools – Brisbane Boys’ College, Clayfield College and Somerville House.
Established in 1918, the PMSA is a joint mission of the Uniting Church of Australia, Queensland Synod and the Presbyterian Church of Queensland. The Churches formed the PMSA to purchase Brisbane High School for Girls (now Somerville House) and Clayfield College (now Brisbane Boys’ College) in 1918.
More than 100 years on, the PMSA is a financially strong, not-for-profit organisation that plays a vital role in setting the direction of each school and the connecting link between the schools and the two churches. All PMSA schools offer a unique ecumenical learning environment where children learn Christian values common to two churches, not the beliefs and practices of just one church.
The PMSA works together with the Sunshine Coast Grammar School Council and Principal to provide:
- a caring, Christian-based culture
- high quality programs for developing teaching excellence
- financial strength and support
- human resources, legal and compliance support
- governance and policy-making support, particularly around child safety

The PMSA Board
The PMSA is governed by a Board which comprises of up to 8 members. Three Board members are each appointed by the Presbyterian Church and the Uniting Church and up to two members are directly appointed by the PMSA Board. Each Board member is a volunteer and holds office for three years.
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council is made up of five members drawn from both the School and wider community and the Principal who is a non-voting member.
The Sunshine Coat Grammar School Advisory Council is a sub-committee of the PMSA Board and is an advisory body that informs, advises, and supports the Principal, CEO and PMSA Board.
The School Principal reports to the PMSA CEO and is responsible for the daily operations of the school.
A call for expressions of interest will be advertised for vacancies of all positions on the School Advisory Council.
Each School Council’s Charter outlines the School Advisory Council’s objectives, responsibilities, and governance framework as well as their relationship to the PMSA.
The current Sunshine Coast Grammar School Advisory Council members are:
Mr Bruce Swan (Acting Chairperson)
BBus, ICAA, Registered Company Auditor, Registered Tax Agent
Bruce Swan has more than 30 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant, both in Queensland and overseas.
He has a wealth of experience in the practice area of audit, particularly through his work with not-for-profit and charity organisations, companies, and body corporates on the Sunshine Coast.
In addition, Bruce has worked with a number of small and medium sized businesses, providing business advisory guidance.
Key current and previous appointments and roles include:
- Member – Sunshine Coast Grammar School Advisory Council (appointed 2017)
- Partner – BDO
- Registered Company Auditor
- Registered Tax Agent
- Member – Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand
Tony Sowden
Tony Sowden is a commercial lawyer with more than 36 years’ experience and has specific expertise in business structures and relationships, organisations law, governance, corporate advisory and not-for-profit entities.
Holding a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Queensland, Tony was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1986. Having owned and managed commercial law firms on the Sunshine Coast since 1992, Tony has had extensive involvement in the establishment, operation, governance and strategic direction for many Sunshine Coast public and private corporations and institutions and held numerous roles including director, company secretary and/or general counsel.
Key current and previous appointments, roles and qualifications include:
- Member – Sunshine Coast Grammar School Advisory Council (appointed member 2022)
- Principal/Director – Tony Sowden, Lawyer
- Board Member – Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation Limited
- Member/Company Secretary – IFYS Limited
- Member/Company Secretary – Push Potential Limited
- Life Member and former Board Member – Sunshine Coast Business Council Inc.
- Former Board Member – Food and Agribusiness Network Limited (FAN)
- Former Board Member – Community Water Limited
- Former Member – Advisory Board of SunnyKids Inc.
- Former Board Member – Sustainable Business Alliance Inc.
- Former Board Member – Caloundra City Enterprises Pty Ltd (later Sunshine Coast Enterprises Pty Ltd), a corporation wholly owned by Sunshine Coast Regional Council
- Former Member – Creative Cabinet – Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance Inc.
- Former Board Member/Founder – Yandina Chamber of Commerce
Dr Christine Murphy
Dr Christine Murphy is an expert in leadership, governance and culture who holds a Doctorate in Business Administration and a Masters of Business from the RMIT University, Melbourne.
As a CEO, an award winning lecturer and facilitator Chris has a range of experience leading teams and functions. Throughout her career, Chris has advised both individuals and businesses in the state and federal public sector, education industry, not-for-profit environment and advising major multinationals and ASX listed companies. After more than 20 years in senior management and CEO roles across retail, hospitality, labour market and health. Mid-career Chris decided to formalise her experience by completing a Masters degree in business followed by a Doctorate in Business Administration focusing her research on board leadership and governance. She has been appointed by government to many State and national boards.
Chris focused her passion, energy and knowledge on providing a niche leadership and coaching consultancy whilst also sharing her knowledge as a senior lecturer and visiting professor with Executive MBA students across several Australian and Asia Pacific universities winning awards as the most Inspiring Lecturer for RMIT’s Faculty of Business and Law for two consecutive years. Chris’ formal qualifications have recently been enhanced by a certificate in Adaptive Leadership studies from Harvard University and gaining an advanced executive coaching certificate.
Samantha Shanahan
LLB (Hons), BBehavSc (Psych)
Sam is the General Counsel of Ramsay Health Care Australia and leads the Australian Legal Team, together with overseeing the clinical legal portfolio including clinical incident management and medical malpractice claims. She is an experienced solicitor with over 20 years’ experience working in the law in both private practice and in house roles.
Sam has broad experience in the effective operation of risk and governance frameworks and has a particular interest in health law. Sam holds a Bachelors Degree in Law and Legal Practice (Honours) and a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology).
Sam was appointed as a Board Director and Member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee of Cancer Council Queensland in January 2023.
Sam is passionate about volunteer work and seeks opportunities to use her professional experience to drive continuous improvement and service excellence to support the needs of the community.
Key current and previous appointments, awards and qualifications include:
- Member – Sunshine Coast Grammar School Advisory
Council - Board Member – Cancer Council Queensland
- Member – Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee (Cancer Council Queensland)
- General Counsel – Ramsay Health Care Australia
Non- Committee Members
Mrs Anna Owen, Principal
BSc., MSc., Post Grad Dip (Ed) MAICD, MACEL
Ms Lyn Stokes, Business Manager
BA, MCom, CPA, GradDip App Corp Gov, FGIA
Ms Margaret Berry, PMSA Chair
BA, MSc, Med (Leadership) GAICD
Mr Shane Coppin
BAppSc, GradDip (Civil Engineering), GAICD, FIML
PMSA Vision and Values
All PMSA schools play an important role in educating and guiding young people with values for life. Founded on strong Christian values – respect, integrity, care, collaboration and excellence – Sunshine Coast Grammar School and other PMSA schools share these collective values. The four schools work collaboratively to share their knowledge and expertise to enhance the educational experience across all schools.
PMSA Organisation Chart
Download Information & Policies
Enrolment Policy
Grammar Code of Conduct
Complaint Procedure for Non-Compliance with Student Protection Processes
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
PMSA Code of Conduct
BYOD Learning Program 2025
Complaints Management Procedure
PMSA Child Protection Policy
PMSA Child Safeguarding Processes
PMSA Child Protection Risk Management Strategy
PMSA Policies
Business Regulations – Enrolments pre 31 december 2022
WGEA – Industry Benchmark Report – SCGS
WGEA – Executive Summary Sunshine Coast Grammar School
More about PMSA (Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association)

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