Leadership Team
Leadership team
Much educational research focuses on the importance of the teacher in assisting students to achieve. At Sunshine Coast Grammar School we invest in our greatest resources – the people. We encourage professional excellence in all staff. Teachers who are the leaders in their field, committed to their purpose of educating young people, and who are genuinely passionate about their work.
At Sunshine Coast Grammar School we have made a purposeful commitment to high quality education and our staff are committed to their own professional practice to ensure our school is well equipped to support student achievement in all endeavours.
School Principal
Mrs Anna Owen
Mrs Anna Owen, Principal at Sunshine Coast Grammar School grew up in rural Western Queensland. After completing her tertiary studies in Science and Education, Anna taught at several schools throughout South East Queensland including Somerset College, Ipswich Girls Grammar and Moreton Bay College.
In 2014 Mrs Owen joined Brisbane Girls Grammar School where she went on to become Deputy Principal while also stepping in as Acting Principal before relocating interstate to Canberra to take up the position as Principal of Canberra Girls Grammar School in 2019.
After three successful years in the Nation’s capital, Mrs Owen returned to Queensland and in 2022 became the fourth Principal to lead Sunshine Coast Grammar School, a co-educational school for students from Early Learning through to Year 12.
A member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Mrs Owen is currently completing her Masters of Business Administration through the University of Queensland. In 2011 she achieved her Masters in Science with a high distinction and has since completed the Stanford University Managing Teams for innovation and Success program.
During her time in Canberra Mrs Owen established and implemented an award-winning strategic direction and design for Canberra Girls Grammar School. Mrs Owen has become known for the vision and energy she brings to her role. She is determined to equip students with the confidence, skills and education they need to shape their futures, whether they want to be a political leader, run their own business or chase their dreams with passion and purpose.
Mrs Owen has extensive experience in leading teaching and learning as well as implementing pastoral care and wellbeing programs. She is passionate about the advancement of women and gender equity for all. Her strong leadership abilities and experience will continue to build a culture of excellence and guide Sunshine Coast Grammar School through the current growth and development.
Head of Secondary
Darren MacLeod-Paterson
I am honoured to introduce myself as the Head of Secondary at Sunshine Coast Grammar School. I began my career as a Science teacher in Western Australia before moving to North Queensland in the early 1990’s. Over the past 35 years, I have had the opportunity to hold a number of leadership positions including Head of Faculty, Head of House, Head of Sport, Head of Middle School and Dean of Students.
I have been a member of the teaching team at Grammar since 2009 and my greatest passion is teaching Senior Biology. My educational philosophy is to ignite a passion for learning in our students so that they can continue through life with a growth mindset. Developing our students not for today but for the future. I am very passionate about creating a learner centred environment built upon strong respectful relationships between students and their teachers.
Secondary School at Grammar builds upon the knowledge, understandings and skills that are cohesively and sequentially developed in our Primary School. In Secondary School we further develop and integrate the total learning process at home, at school and in the community. The student remains the focal point in all that we do and our aim is to provide each student with many options to meet their individual education goals.
Our curriculum is designed with a strong academic focus to meet the needs of students considering further studies post Year 12. We also recognise the need to provide suitable pathways for all students throughout the Senior Phase of Learning. Opportunities exist for students to be involved in School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships while support is ongoing for those who wish to work toward a Tertiary Rank. It is acknowledged that regardless of the pathway taken, all students have an obligation to uphold the specific academic demands that best prepare them for life beyond school.
Head of Primary
Mr Craig Angel
Jon Taylor
I have been honoured to be the Grammar chaplain since 2008. I trained as a Primary School Teacher, have a degree in Theology and I am a registered marriage celebrant.
My role involves being the Head of the Christian Education Department (P-12), leading Chapel services for all Year groups P-12, staff and families, and having a pastoral care role for all students and their families.
I have a heart for getting alongside people and building relationships, helping them through the journey of life. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have assisted in launching the ‘Grammar Helping Hands’ group, an example of both servant leadership and faith in action which has culminated in three trips to Timor-Leste so far
Our students are informed about the life, death and rising of Jesus Christ and given the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with God through Jesus. The lessons are based on the Christian values of honour, respect, humility, forgiveness, compassion, faith, hope and love.
Should you have any questions with regards to the Christian mission of our school please contact me on [email protected].

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