Does Grammar have set intake years?
Prep is the set intake year for Primary and usually commences with 3 classes. An additional class is usually added around the Year 4/Year 5 mark, as numbers dictate, taking the number of classes per year level to 4. Places in other year levels can become available from time to time. Year 7 is the set intake year for Secondary.
From what year level do Specialist lessons commence?
Specialist lessons commence from Prep. The children will have Specialist lessons for Visual Art, Performing Arts (including Drama and Music), Physical Education and Christian Education. Specialist Language lessons commence in Year 4.
What languages are on offer at Grammar?
The School offers Japanese and French. Language lessons commence from Year 4. Students in Year 4, 5 and 6 will study both languages – a semester duration for each. Students then select one of these languages to study in Year 7. Languages become an elective choice from Year 8 onwards.
Is an Extension Program offered at Grammar?
Grammar’s Extension Program, ‘SOAR’, is offered in both Primary and Secondary. SOAR is an academic talent development program specifically designed to meet the needs of students who are capable of high performance with demonstrated achievement and/or potential. Grammar has Learning Enrichment departments in both Primary and Secondary.
What is the Christian Education component of the curriculum and is it compulsory?
Our students will have one Christian Education class per week and attend Chapel Services in year levels twice per term. Our Assemblies include a time of devotion inclusive of a Bible reading and prayer. Christian Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum at Grammar. Our lessons are inclusive and have a strong focus on our faith values.
What are the School hours?
All classes commence at 8:30am.
Prep concludes at 2:45pm.
Years 1 – 3 conclude at 3:00pm.
Years 4 – 6 conclude at 3:10pm.
Years 7 – 12 conclude at 3:20pm.
What Specialist offerings are available in Year 7?
Year 7 students will chose a language to study for the duration of Year 7. Visual Art, Music and Drama also continue as part of the curriculum in Year 7. Students will study these Specialist areas for a semester in Year 7. Students are also given the opportunity to explore Food Technology and Industrial Technology in Year 7. Elective choices are phased in from Year 8 onwards.
Is Career planning offered at Grammar and what do students do post-Year 12?
Careers planning begins formally at Grammar in Year 10 when students create their Senior Education and Training [SET] Plans. These plans require students to identify their interests and skills, research occupations that might suit and explore pathways to achieving their careers goals. During the year the School sets aside time for students to draft their SET plans, engage in Work Experience, visit Careers and Subject Expos and Information Evenings as well as having a one-on-one SET interview. Students also engage in progress interviews with their Head of Year and Careers staff during Years 11 and 12.
Where do Grammar Graduates move on to post-Year 12?
75 – 80% of Grammar Year 12 graduates move on to University. Graduates from Grammar attend Universities ranging from the University of the Sunshine Coast to the University of Qld, Queensland University of Technology located in Brisbane and interstate and overseas Institutions. The School also offers students the opportunity to commence a School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship in Year 11 and 12 to gain a nationally recognised Vocational Education & Training qualification while still at School.
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Enrolment Policy
Grammar Code of Conduct
Complaint Procedure for Non-Compliance with Student Protection Processes
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
PMSA Code of Conduct
BYOD Learning Program 2025
Complaints Management Procedure
PMSA Child Protection Policy
PMSA Child Safeguarding Processes
PMSA Child Protection Risk Management Strategy
PMSA Policies
Business Regulations – Enrolments pre 31 december 2022
WGEA – Industry Benchmark Report – SCGS
WGEA – Executive Summary Sunshine Coast Grammar School

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