Faith in Action
At Sunshine Coast Grammar School, we pride ourselves on looking outward to others and serving our community with passion and purpose. Built on our strong Christian ethos, we believe in encouraging faith in action.
Through our Christian Studies to ‘Education’ programs students from Prep – Year 12 are informed about the life, death and rising of Jesus Christ. They are given the opportunity to develop their faith and in doing so have the opportunity to participate in voluntary Christian groups, Family Chapel Services and more.
Further to this a number of opportunities are also available to all at Sunshine Coast Grammar which ensure that we are doing all we can to assist those who need a ‘helping hand’.
Through giving their time and energy, students throughout the school develop a strong sense of community engagement and build empathy for those less fortunate.
From overseas charity organisations to local Sunshine Coast based charity groups, Grammar students are extending a hand of support in times of need.
Students have the opportunity to be involved in many community based initiatives at Grammar, some of which include:
Built on our strong Christian ethos, we believe in delivering faith in action.

This is an initiative of Sunshine Coast Grammar and was developed to allow students to provide a ‘hands on’ approach to giving. Through backyard makeovers, painting, cleaning and building projects, Grammar students support a large range of families and organisations across the coast who, through a variety of circumstances are most in need of a ‘helping hand’.
Grammar Helping Hands is a school based program which gives students the opportunity to get involved in community service at the ground level.
Inspired by programs such as ‘Random Acts of Kindness’, Grammar Helping Hands is about promoting servant leadership, giving time, not just money and looking for opportunities to reach out to others who need a helping hand.
Grammar Helping Hands plays a big part in extending the Christian outreach of the School into our local community. A key theme when describing Grammar Helping Hands would be ‘service above self’, encouraging servant leaders who are willing to serve with humility and graciousness.
The program so far has been infectious with word spreading like wildfire amongst our students of how rewarding it is to be involved in such a fabulous school-based community activity where others receive great blessing from the assistance they are given.
Grammar Helping Hands is committed to helping those less fortunate through regular household and backyard makeovers and through assisting a range of local charities in their work.
If you, your family or business would like to be involved in this wonderful service based initiative please contact Mr Ben Princehorn, Coordinator of Community Services, at the school. [email protected]
In the Primary school a group of students are selected each year to coordinate Primary Projects. These Primary Projects are often reflective of whole school charity drives, such as the Cancer Council Shave for a Cure and World Vision’s Forty Hour Famine. At other times they are independent projects based on charity initiatives coming from the Primary School.

Preparing meals for those in our community who, through illness, loss and hardship may be in need, is the cornerstone of this wonderful program. Grammar works closely with support agencies across the coast and has also developed its own food bank to distribute meals to many in need.

Interact is a youth program developed by Rotary International. Interact at Grammar offers Secondary students the opportunity to undertake a range of programs, fundraising and awareness campaigns to assist those in our global community who need our assistance.

A key feature of each Year level across the Secondary school at Grammar is a chosen ‘charity of choice’. Each year level is responsible for running a campaign program which raises awareness of and funds for a nominated charity partner within Australia. Students undertake a range of activities and provide a number of opportunities for others across the school to be involved in assisting this large and diverse range of non-profit organisations.


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