Building connections and supporting our Grammar community

As we continue to highlight the dedicated efforts of our volunteers this week, we are proud to shine the spotlight on our many support groups and countless parents and friends who generously give their time to support our school community.

We recently sat down with Sally Doran, our P&F President, whose commitment to community service has made a significant impact on our Grammar community.

Sally volunteers her time as the P&F President and is actively involved in numerous events throughout the year, including the Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls. Additionally, Sally supports the Grammar Football Club by working in the canteen each week.

One of Sally’s fond memories from volunteering is the recent Mother’s Day Stall.

“Seeing the kids excited to pick out the perfect gift was so heart-warming,” she recalls. “We were thrilled to welcome new volunteers at the stall this year, it is always a fantastic way to meet new families.”

For Sally, the best part of volunteering is the sense of community it fosters and provides an opportunity to connect with her children through activities and events.

“Since my involvement in the P&F, I have had the privilege of meeting many families from different year levels, who offer words of wisdom and great advice.”

“I get excited when I connect new families to resources or groups and help them settle into the school.”

Through her volunteering, Sally has learned the importance of listening to others, noting that her experiences as a volunteer have also helped her become a better leader in her own business.

“We are so fortunate to have a strong community base here at Grammar. I am always learning and I am so grateful for that.”

Sunshine Coast Grammar School is grateful for Sally’s contributions to the P&F and our community. Her dedication to building a connected and supportive community is inspiring.

Thank you for making a difference for our students and our school community.