G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite Program Inspires Curiosity and Critical Thinking

As part of our SOAR Primary Enrichment Program, G.A.T.E.WAYS workshops are offered each term to high-ability and gifted Year 1 – 6 students. The workshops provide a dynamic platform for students to explore their love of language, literature, creativity and the boundless possibilities of imagination.

The final workshops of the year allowed students to uncover the mysteries behind superstitions and illusions, and master empathy and critical thinking. Year 1 – 3 students had the opportunity to dive into two exciting and thought-provoking workshops. These sessions gave young minds the chance to explore the worlds of magic, illusion, and critical thinking through engaging activities designed to spark their creativity and curiosity.

Workshop 1: Unusual Illusionists

“Now you see me, now you don’t!” In this magical workshop, students discovered the exciting world of illusion and mysticism. They explored why people love being tricked and fooled, from magic on stage to impossible moments in stories. The workshop helped students peel back the layers of mystery to reveal how magicians and storytellers use sleight of hand, illusion, and clever tricks to make the unbelievable seem possible. Whether donning a cape or grabbing a crystal ball, students were encouraged to think deeply about the fine line between fantasy, magic and reality, and to see how both magicians and authors are master storytellers who leave audiences astounded.

Workshop 2: Don’t Take the Bait!

In this lively session, students transformed into junior debaters and critical thinkers as they learned how to spot clickbait in the news and media. They examined popular headlines on topics like climate change and artificial intelligence, discussing how the media sometimes exaggerates or twists the facts to grab our attention. Ang taught them vital skills for distinguishing truth from sensationalism and how to think critically about what they read or hear. Armed with these tools, students practiced crafting persuasive arguments and learned how to influence others.

Year 4 – 6 students participated in two enriching sessions designed to explore philosophical inquiry, creativity and critical thinking.

Workshop 1: Don’t Step On The Cracks!

In this session, students delved into the fascinating world of superstitions, urban myths, and old wives’ tales. They developed an appreciation for folklore while honing their sceptical thinking skills, learning to distinguish fact from fiction, and debunking age-old beliefs with rational reasoning. By analysing everyday objects, animals, and habits, students explored how perceptions, beliefs, and myths have shaped society and could also be powerful tools in storytelling.

Workshop 2: You Read My Mind

This workshop focused on the art of empathetic thinking. Students examined empathy from psychological and neuroscientific perspectives, exploring its role in creative expression, character analysis, and dialogue writing. Through exercises and roleplaying, participants sharpened their empathetic abilities, discovering how empathy enhances both personal connections and the creation of compelling narratives.

The G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite program was a resounding success, inspiring students to think creatively, critically and curiously about the world around them.

We are proud to support programs like G.A.T.E.WAYS that nurture the curiosity and creativity of our students and lay the foundation for them to become thoughtful and innovative leaders.

Thank you to our Head of Extended Learning P-10, Mrs Brenda Gahan for coordinating the workshops each term as part of our SOAR Primary Enrichment Program.