Celebrating the spirit of the service

As we celebrate National Volunteer Week, we take immense pride in highlighting the exceptional contributions of our community who dedicate their time and effort to making a difference.

Today, we turn the spotlight on Head of Year 10, Mr Nick Dutton, whose commitment to volunteering at Mooloolaba Surf Lifesaving Club exemplifies the spirit of community and service.

Mr Dutton has been a devoted member of the Mooloolaba Surf Lifesaving Club for six years, patrolling the beach to ensure swimmers are safe in the water.

One of Mr Dutton’s favourite memories from his time volunteering is patrolling alongside his daughter. This shared experience has been fulfilling, allowing him to witness her development of new skills and growth as a person.

“Patrolling with my daughter is something I cherish deeply. It is amazing to see her grow, learn and develop a strong sense of responsibility,” Mr Dutton reflects.

Volunteering for Mr Dutton is a way to give back to the community that once supported him.

“It’s about paying back for what I received when I was younger,” he says.

Mr Dutton’s own experiences have taught him that a positive attitude and willingness to help can lead to significant personal awards.

“All you need is an attitude to give it a go. The major lesson I have learned is that when you help others, you end up helping yourself by developing new skills and growing as a person.” Volunteering offers a chance to make meaningful connections, gain new skills and experience the joy of helping others. This National Volunteers Week, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr Dutton and celebrate the spirit of community and service.